Monday, March 31, 2014

Phone Pics

One of the many selfies of Brylee on my phone.
Clearly the kids love to shop.
We made it the zoo.
Brett and Brylee found a double rainbow.
Obviously when you live in Minnesota 3rd grade hockey tournaments are a must.
Brylee figured out the real meaning of Valentines Day.  Note the cross.
Jake showed who he loved.
Brylee allowed me to do her hair in the shape of a heart.
Mr. Irresistible and his heart covered sister on Valentine' Day. 
Brylee and I were able to spend the morning with her teacher's daughter.
The huge snow mountain by our church began to melt.
St. Patricks Day dinner.
Spring recess.  Funny that kids were complaining about over heating.  It was 30 degrees :)
Bryan had a job interview in Iowa so we made a fun trip out of it.
Another spring snow.
A 3rd grade square dance.
Jake hanging out with his friends at a school party. 
School face painting.
Brylee insisted I take a picture of the make-up she put on me to show Mimi.
Jake made Brylee a shopping bag outfit and was quite proud of it.
She seriously wore this silly thing on her head for days.
Brett was trooper shopping for clothes for DC until it came time to find shoes. 
More snow!
Bring your sled to school day.
A Star Student.
Brylee made a menu for our Super Bowl party.
Books and Breakfast at school.
Bryan and Brylee made Grandma Sue's sugar cookie recipe.
Zoe the dog.
Brylee made sure her brother was ready to go to D.C.
For the love of snow....2-22-14...above Brett's knees
Jake overcame his fear of public speaking.

and that concludes our February and March from the eye of my phone.

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