Friday, September 21, 2012

First Days of Kindergarten

The first few days of Kindergarten were color days: Shown above all dressed up for each color!
Brylee did a great job jumping on the bus right up until Pink Day.
She turned on the tears and got herself a ride to school compliments of her Mama.
She is currently working on a sticker chart: 5 rides on the bus with no tears equals a trip to Justice to pick out some new lip-gloss.
Easier said than done.
After school on the crying day she ran into the house and said proudly,
"Mama wasn't I strong today!" know when they peeled her off my legs to go into class.  
She then told me it would be a good idea if I did not come to lunch with her until High School because she is sure she would cry when I had to leave.
Love that girl!

And for your viewing pleasure....Brylee reads Rainbow Hair and My Color Book