Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This year is kid pitch ball.
Jake has not been hit with the ball yet....
But I'm sure it will happen.
Good thing he was paying attention, the ball was coming his way.
When you are 8 once in a while it is hard to concentrate.

But then your coach reminds you are playing baseball.

Another Boy in Braces

This is the last picture before we headed to the orthodontist.
When he was just a little guy he had a horrible bike spill and eventually had to had his baby tooth pulled.  His permanent tooth did not have guide on where to come in at and decided to come in too high.
When we arrived there was a little girl in the chair just screaming.  That made for one nervous boy.
I told the doctor that was not good for business.
But he survived.
One day later and he has decided he never wants to get them off.
He brushes like a fool, putting Brett to shame.