Monday, January 19, 2009

Fun at the Park

I love days off school! We took two neighbor boys and headed to the park this afternoon and stopped to have Sonic slushes on the way home. Brylee of course wore her snow boots and if you could see her jeans you would see they are on backwards!

99 months old

Seriously isn't this a bit ridiculous I can tell you how many months old my kids are, still! Next time someone asks how old Brett is I think I will say just a little over 99 months. Yes on January 18th 2009 Brett turned 99 months old. Maybe we will have a party Feb. 18th for his 100 month birthday. This will be the 99th picture in his book. Not sure if I will ever be able to stop. I'm sure his wife will not mind when I stop by the 18th of ever month : )
Just in case you were wondering Jake is 51 months and Brylee is 27 months old!