Monday, December 3, 2012

Disney World

6 am we were all in the hotel lobby eating breakfast. 
With sleepy eyes we headed North for Disney World.
Tickets were in hand and the kids had no idea of what was on the otherside of those gates.
They were in for one huge adventure!
After 2.5 hours of driving we walked into the most magical place on earth. 
I was even swept up in the magic....maybe because I was seeing it through the eyes of my children.
All three of them were the perfect age to have memories of Disney World forever etched in to their minds.
There was car driving....
Magic Carpet flying....
Train riding...
Photo: What did we love most about DisneyWorld?  Splashdown!  (Beware, you might get wet)
Our favorite ride...Splash Mountain.
Brylee was stomping her feet chanting "again, again!" before the ride was even over!
My men rocked the Pink Tea Cup.
Sword pulling....
A Buzz Lightyear adventure...
a bit of waiting....
some peeking....
Climbing to high places...
Brylee decided that the actors that play the Princess' for sure live in the castle.
We found some suckers just in time for the parade.
Love the castle...
Waiting in line for the Pirates ride...
Space Mountain...sure glad the Jake and Brylee did not fly out of their seats for that crazy ride.
The sun set and the kids danced at Club 626.
A ride around Tomorrowland.
Almost time for the Christmas Castle Show.
December was the best time of the year to go.
The fireworks and show were more than amazing!
For 12 hours we made memories to last a lifetime!
3 very tired kids shuffled their feet back to the car to dream about Disney World all the way back to West Palm Beach.

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