Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where's Waldo?

Where's Waldo?
Version: Where's Brett?
Approximately 6 hours a week I play a game I call Where's Brett? The goal of this game is to find my son who looks like every other 5th and 6th grade football player. I tried to put a big piece of blue duck tape on the back of his helmet but was told that was very uncool and it was immediately removed. Once in a while I am sure I that I spot him but upon further inspection I am wrong. Friday's agenda includes having his practice jersey screen printed with our last name.
In case you are curious Brett is the 6th player back in the 1st row in the above picture.
Yep....I always win the game when his comes for his water bottle!

1 comment:

Vicki Valker Soltis said...

I'm either going to bring CAVANAUGH lettering for the back of his shirt or shiny heart stickers for his helmet. Which do you think he'll prefer?