Friday, September 2, 2011

Preschool Princess

Brylee is growing up on me. I have been an emotional wreck inside. I can probably count the number of hours that I have been kid free in the last 10 plus years and let me tell you when I got home the silence about killed me!
She goes to afternoon preschool and all morning she was gitty with excitement and kept saying "I'm so excited!" and let me know that she knew I was going to miss her! Yep she was right!
I was one of those crazy moms who followed the bus to school and convinced myself Brylee needed me to be at the school when she got off the bus. Her assistant teacher rides on the bus to help the kids. How great is that! They have seat-belts and all. I know Brylee was somewhat nervous but as soon as she saw a smiling face greeting her as she climbed the ginormous stairs of the bus she did not even look back. She loved school and wishes she could go on Saturday.
Mrs. G
Orientation Day
A Scavenger Hunt with Daddy.
Mrs. Taylor
You may be confused and think she is ready for the beach but the girl just likes to accessorize.

She started waiting on the porch for the bus 2 hours early.

I stopped following the bus when I realized the bus driver was not sure of her route and was backing the bus up in the neighborhood so I headed to school and joined the other over protective moms on the curb and waited in the rain for 15 minutes.
A big hill to climb.
and yes I followed her into the classroom! Tears shed by Brylee zero, me a few on the way to school!


neta said...

That is such a wonderful story! I remember when Brylee could not bear to be separated from you. Now she is such a confident girl she is ready to embrace life! So awesome! You did a great job Dara!

Vicki Valker Soltis said...

Does Mrs G know she has been entrusted with the sweetest princess God ever made? If you send me her number, I'll give her a call.