Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

The kids had to go to school on the 23rd.
Seriously who goes to school on the December 23rd??
It was red and green day.  
The school was bustling with excitement!  The teachers sang Christmas carols to the students as they arrived to school.  Very cool.
Jake was a student of the month for December.  Go J!!!
He was picked by his teacher for his caring attributes.
Sure love my student of the month.
Every Christmas Eve morning the kids call Mimi and open their presents from her.  Those presents keep them busy while we wait for Bryan to get home from work.
We went to church at noon on Christmas Eve and Brylee sat by her friend Ad.
Bryan finally got home from work wearing his ugly Christmas tie which comes out every Christmas Eve for work.  Next up Gingerbread houses.
 Brylee made a garage.
Jake made a lemon farm and Brett ate candy. 
 Finally after dinner it was time to open presents.  They only asked 1400 times when they could open presents.
Funny how they will pose for any picture if they know as soon as I am done taking pictures they get to open presents.
Jake even agreed to kiss his sister!
Even our elf Jo got a present.
Brylee spent the rest of the night making master pieces.
And yes it's true even though we live way up North and our neighbor is Canada we did not have white Christmas.  The picture of rain is accurate.
Christmas morning they found their stocking filled and had one more present.
Lucky us Brett shot us several times throughout the day with his new nerf gun from Ashleigh.
Merry Christmas!!!
We had a quiet Christmas missing our families but oh so grateful for our Savior who chose to born as a baby.
We decided not to move during Christmas but now I look around and tell myself..."self get off this computer and pack some boxes."  Moving day is creeping up on us.  The house is built just sitting there waiting for us.   I have never had to pack and move,  the packing and moving company fairies usually show up.  I tell ya if we never have to move again that would be a beautiful thing!

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