Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School 2014

Brett wants to be a Pediatric Endocrinologist because he wants to help kids just like himself.

Jake wants to play Professional Football, Professional Basketball and when he is too old to play sports he will settle on being an Orthodontist.
And a picture to remember how much his socks make me giggle!
Brylee wants to be a Baby Doctor because she loves babies.
Middle School Orientation
Brylee's super sweet teacher.
Jake's sports loving teacher.
Presents for their new teachers.
Walking to school
 Mimi's 1st time to spend the 1st day of school with us.
 Happy First Day of School!!!


Unknown said...

So darn cute and informative about what they aspire to be.

Vicki said...

Always - another "first" - but never the last, right?! Perhaps a trip to be with my Cav5 for the first day of school will become a new tradition.