Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Here a Box, There a Box, Everywhere a Box

The packers have been busy packing our estimated 207 boxes and wrapping our furniture in plastic for the past couple of days.
 There better be less than 207 boxes cause this mama has been throwing away garbage bags full of stuff for weeks now.  Our move weight estimate is 1500 pounds less than our last move that was 2.9 years ago.  Progress people progress.
Many friends have stopped over.
They have loved on my kids.  Fed them.  Taken them overnight.
Brought going away presents.
Offered to clean so I can walk away when the last box is put on the truck.
There has been climbing of boxes and eating pizza.
Surprise get togethers.
Extra hugs and time spent together.
And silly slumber parties.

Which makes it all the more difficult to drive away tomorrow.

But before we drive away I will have to stop and say to goodbye to my Christina. 
Oh how I will miss my Christina!  I will have to say she is my only friend who has attempted to ride a tricycle home.
I know these two will visit and I'm excited for that!  I hope many friends who end up in our neck of the woods will stop to say hi.

The more I move the less attached I become to things.  I would like to box up a bunch of friends and stick them on the truck.  Everything else is just stuff.  We can't take any of it with us when our time is up on earth.  
Speaking of moving I do believe in my short 34 years on earth I have moved 13 times.  Which averages to every 2.61 years.  I long to have a place that I call home.  A place where my children call home and they always come back to.  People ask me where I am from and I don't have an answer.  Here and there.  Everywhere. 
But I look around and am reminded that these are only walls....just a house.  
Home is where we lay our heads down at night.  Where we are all together.  
Soon the kids and I will be back under the same roof as Bryan.  Bryan has been on the road for one year now.   In 2 short days we will be back as a family.
Tomorrow the semi will drive away and the fun will begin when they drop off all bazillon boxes and I once again dig my way out of the box jungle.  But this time my mama will be there to help. Yay!
Thank you for loving us Holmen!
See you in Farmington!

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