Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Father's Day Interview

A Father's Day Interview:

How old is Dad?
Brylee: "41"
Brett: "41"
Jake: "42"

His Hair is?
Brylee: "Brown...he has grey hair too since he is an old man."
Brett: "Brown"
Jake: "Brown"

His Eyes are?
Brylee: "That's a tricky one."
Brett:  "I never really looked close at his eyes...I don't know."
Jake: "Color of mine...I don't know how to explain."

My Dad likes to wear....
Brylee: "Under Armour"
Brett: "A lot of suits and stuff....I mean like his nice stuff."
Jake: "Under Armour"

He loves to eat....
Brylee: "Healthy"
Brett: "Meat."
Jake: "Salads"

He is smart because he knows....
Brylee: "Because he is old."
Brett: "He knows like everything."
Jake: "Jesus"

My Dad works hard at....
Brylee: "Gander Mountain"
Brett: "Everything"
Jake: "Taking care of us."

Dad always tells me....
Brylee: "Stories"
Brett: "There is so much stuff.  Don't work in retail."
Jake: "Do your best."

It makes my Dad happy when....
Brylee: "When I give him hugs and kisses and make pictures for him."
Brett:  "Fishing...sadly."
Jake: "When we spend time with him."

If Dad could go on a trip where would he go....
Brylee: "Florida"
Brett:  "Somewhere Gander Mountain did not take him."
Jake: "Heaven"

I really love it when....
Brylee: he works for us.
Brett:  "When he doesn't take me fishing...hold on....I'm going to think of something more positive....oh yea makes scrambled eggs."
Jake: "When he works hard for us."

If I could give Dad anything I would give him.
Brylee: "A salad"
Brett: "A better car and buy him the United States of America.
Jake: "The White House."

My favorite thing about Dad.
Brylee: "He loves me."
Brett: "That he listens to me."
Jake: "He loves me."

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

That is precious! Something to remember for years to come.