Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jacob Ryan is VIII

My boy started his 8th Birthday bright and early.  6:10 am to be exact!
Look at my baby!
Money from Grandma/pa...
Xbox Gold and a Transformer game from Mimi and Grandpa Jim...
and a New Lunch Box from Auntie Talli.
His fancy pancy cupcake cake for school.
A quick Facetime with Mimi.
A Little sister who woke up extra early to bake the Birthday Boy a cake.
The perfect day for Dress your Best at school.
The Birthday King at school.
Some of Jake's lady friends who made him a present.
I'm sure Jake's teacher appreciated all the green frosting that was everywhere!
Playing in the leaves with Jake at recess.
I busted Jake out of school for lunch and to go shopping with his $100.00
Oh the excitement!
He is a frugal shopper so it took some time.
He liked the hat but decided against it.
All ready to check-out!
A quick Icee break.
The Loot!  And his wallet is still full of money.  He decided he is saving to buy is first Camero.
Love the big eye!
Next stop...Chuck E Cheese
Thank goodness he had a little time with Dad.
Lucky guy!
His little party.
Jake cashed in his tickets and scored these bad boys.
My Birthday Boy!!!
Cake time!
Sharing cake with friends.
Happy 8th Birthday Jakey! 
You are My Superstar!!!!!


HS Mom of 4 said...

Happy Birthday, Jacob! I can't believe you are 8. It looks like you had a wonderful day.

Vicki said...

You are my Super Star too Jacob Ryan.....keep shining!!!!

Vicki said...

You are my Super Star Jacob Ryan - keep shining! Love You!!!!