Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Last Day of School

When we moved to Wisconsin there was one beautiful benefit that I realized I would love.
Brett and Jake would go to the same school for one more year than they would have in Kansas and for one and only one year all three of my kids would go to the same school. 

As I watched my boys walk to the bus stop this is the what I saw each and every school day.  Oh how this warmed my heart.  I can only imagine the conversations that were had.  Brylee was usually sleeping away.  I would stare out the window praying for my boys and girl, their teachers and bus drivers.  
This picture is the last time they took their walk down to the bus stop.  They really are best friends, brothers for life.

This is Brylee on her last day of Preschool.
We spent the mornings playing games, hanging out in our pajamas, shopping, taking walks, playing babies basically whatever my girl wanted to do.  I gave up my morning trips to the Y so I could cherish this last year spending the mornings with my baby girl.  After lunch the bus would whisk her away to school. 
Oh how I will miss my mornings with my girl.
Next time the bus whisks her aways she will be a big Kindergardner going to school all day!

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