Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Girl.....

Is growing up way too fast!

What am I going to do when she starts 5 day a week preschool in the fall? How is it posible that my sweet girl is already 4 1/2?
Why does time go by so fast?
How can I freeze time?
Oh how I love this girl!

Preschool? Really? It does not seem possible Brylee starts school in the fall. In WI preschool is part of the public school system and means she will go to school 5 days a week for half days. Maybe because she is my last baby but I am already having a hard time.

Brylee is 100% not so much!

*Sob* *Sigh*

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

Sorry, Dara, but you know what my solution to this problem is--homeschooling!

The pictures sure make it look like Brylee has grown a lot since you guys moved. And it's only been a few months. Time passes quickly. Children grow up way too fast.