Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Super Special Birthday Boy

My baby boy turned 6 years old today!
Here is his birthday celebration in pictures...
Grandma and Grandpa come over bearing presents to start his celebration!
Followed by a package in the mail from MiMi and Grandpa Jim!
How did MiMi and Grandpa Jim know just what this boy was hoping for?
Next 6 birthday spankings from Mrs. Dayhuff!
A quick stop to see Brett and his friends at lunch and share cupcakes!
and finally October 2nd comes!
$100 from Mom and Dad!
Brother Brett kindly decorates Jake's "candy cake"
help from Brylee and Jake
Brett calls it the tornado candy cake!
The birthday crew!
Jake adores Trenten and Trever!
time to check out!
Of all places to eat lunch Jake chooses Target :)
the goodies!
and more goodies!
making a wish!
Thank you God for the most amazing 6 years!!!!!!!
I love my Jake!


Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Jake!!

HS Mom of 4 said...

Happy Birthday, Jacob! I can hardly believe he's that old.

Vicki Valker Soltis said...

How is it possible to have so many special memories in six short years? Are you sure he isn't 12? I love my super sweet boy!!!