Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh. No. He. Did. Not. Oh no, he did!!!!!

This is a picture of Brylee's first hair cut by Grandma, notice her bangs are almost grown out. Oh how beautiful!
The second picture shows Brylee's second hair cut compliments of her big brother.
I say "go play in Brylee's room", that they did. Jake stuck her in her crib and found baby finger nail scissors????(note to self and others remove baby finger scissors from room) and started his magic. When he was done he came and asked if I would get Brylee out her her crib because he was done cutting her hair, I say"ex-squeeze me????!!!!! you mean combing her hair!!!!!!" "No Mommy I cut her hair, she looks pretty." Still in shock, I try to convince myself it's not that bad. Off to the shower, the rest of the hair falls out. Okay it is bad! I choose to laugh, not cry. Her Daddy on the otherhand is quite mad. I guess kids really do need supervision at all times. (mental note taken)

I walk in and she says "Jakey did it."

Took 2 years to grow, guess she will have hair at age 4.

Oh Jake I think you forgot one piece of hair!

After her shower, this is the final result. Brylee says, "I likey it."

Just one pile, I found the other pile when I laid her down for bed. Good news, I have enough hair for her baby book.

Jacob apologizing for cutting all of her princess hair off. He told me that from now on he promises to the let the hair place do it!
I am still choosing to laugh not cry, but it is kind of making me sick to my stomach, but don't tell the Princess, because she likeys it!


Unknown said...

REEEALLLLY!!!!!! Maybe I should have Jake cut my hair. It could save me tons of money to do the short style. Wouldn't have to get a hair cut for years... Baby girl is still beautiful! Remember to laugh Dara and not cry.

Vicki Valker Soltis said...

Oh my gosh - in spite of it all, she is still beautiful. If tears roll, I hope they are tears of joy - that you have been blessed with three beautiful children!