Thursday, November 27, 2008

Oh so Thankful!

I am thankful for:
The grace that I absolutely do not deserve and yet receive everyday.
For the four beautiful faces I wake up to everyday.
My husband who works so hard so I can stay home with our 3 beautiful kiddos.
For being given the gift of three amazing children.
For my family~I have the best! My Mom who unconditionally loves me, Talli for moving 1000 miles so we can be together, Dad for teaching me life lessons, Ryan for making me laugh, Jim for never being wrong, that's right never and of course for always being so generous.
The incredible family I married into.
Wonderful friends.
For living in the United States of America.
Being debt free.
And most important my salvation.
What a blessed life!!!
Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Vicki Valker Soltis said...

To know your blessings....that is the gift. I thank God for you Dara Jo. I Love You!!!