Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not the first child......

Now coffee would never of touched the lips of Brett. Not even sure how Brylee knows what coffee is. I do not like coffee unless it is 95% flavored cream and very rarely is coffee ever made in this house. She caught me in a weak moment. I do not feel good, and she is screaming "tofee, tofee"!!! It takes me a couple of minutes to figure out what she is totally flipping out about and is now on the floor kicking and screaming about. I then look down and realize I am drinking water out of a coffee cup because I have been out of commision for the last few days and of course there are no clean cups. I then say you want coffee. She looks up with big tears running down her face and says "des." So I do what all good moms do I make her coffee for lunch. She is pretty sure the coffee pot is a loud appliance.

Oh how good coffee smells.

That's my girl, add lots of creamer!

Stir it up after spilling half the bottle.

And sit back and enjoy becauce your Mom is a push-over and you are definitley the 3rd child.
Feeling much better about herself!

1 comment:

Beach Momma said...

She is soooo not the first child. And you were sooo not feeling well. That is what a good mom does when she needs quiet and sanity!