Saturday, November 15, 2008

Multiple Choice....Who does this doll look like??

This picture cost me two dollars. I have learned that when you are 8 it is very uncool to hold a doll.
This picture cost me the icebreakers in my purse. When you are 4 and your big brother thinks dolls are not very cool then by default you think the same.

This picture was free. Brylee was just happy to have her doll back.

A for Brett
B for Jacob
C for Brylee

Uncle Ryan will be happy to know that his Cabbage Patch doll is in good hands. (Make sure you show Ryan) I bet MiMi never thought when she bought the doll she would have a twin grandson some day.


Vicki Valker Soltis said...

Uncle Ryan and I both pick B - they have the same color eyes, and not that you mention it, they have the same color hair and skin. No doubt about it - they are twins.

Beach Momma said...

ummmm, I think B