Saturday, March 24, 2012

Not my Daughter!

This girl loves to go fishing with her Daddy!
This girls mom could not be paid enough money to go fishing.
This girls mom is also not very happy that all her pretty pink clothes and shoes are caked in mud.
This girls dad says he is breaking the cycle.
Really Brylee! Worms!
I was told she was babysitting the worms.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Mornings

Oh how I treasure the mornings spent at home with my girl before the school bus whisks her off to school. I know they are soon coming to an end. Next year she will be jumping on the bus early in morning with her brothers.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fishing on the Mississippi

No need to panic and think that I was fishing...of course I sent the boys fishing with Bryan and Brylee and I went shopping and out to dinner!

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Tea Party

The most wonderful tea party was had to celebrate Anmol's coming home from India. She was in India for the longest month of Brylee's life. She started planning the tea party the day Anmol left.
On the menu was green tea, popcorn and chewy sprees.
And if anyone ever makes fun of Jacob for joining the tea party he will come after you! Don't worry he was very manly about it. He brought his rifle to the tea party, ate his popcorn, drank his tea, stole a piece of candy and ran away.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Preschool Fashion Accessory

The lastest fashion rage in Preschool is wearing a beautiful tiara. This day was almost ruined when the tiara came up missing right when it was time to go to school. But at the last minute the day was saved.
Once a week I spend the day in Brylee's class volunteering. As Brylee walked into class a very cute little boy exclaimed "Miss. G Brylee looks so beautiful today." Brylee grinned at the boy and hustled to find a sit.

If Jacob were President....

he would give everyone $1.00.

How generous Jake!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Preschool Playdate

Brylee and her friend Emma had a morning full of giggles, dress-up and all things girly!

and fun with the two cutest little neighbor girls too!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Nature Trail

We found the best little nature trail right smack in the middle of the town we live in....
Names were inscribed into the mud...
Several rocks thrown into the stream...
A lucky little girl got a piggy back ride...
Rocks were climbed...
Treasure sticks were found....
Conversations to be had...
The call of nature answered....
This one pouted when he realized he had to walk the same distance back...
and this one pouted for fun!
Much better than sitting at home on a Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Heather Plus 5

Do you have a friend that would drive 1500 miles to spend a couple days with you?

That on a moments notice will pack up her 5 kids and drive all through the night.

I do!!!!!!

Dinner at Pizza Doctors. We all cheered on S while he ate his body weight in pizza!

A quick stop to the "Cheese Grocery Store"

Brylee caught a ride on the back of M the whole trip!

Only in Wisconsin are there grocery stores with 2.5 aisles of cheese.

Mr. N met me in the kitchen every morning to prepare breakfast. So early in fact that Heather slept in front of the bedroom door so he could not escape to give me the gift of more than 90 minutes of sleep on the 3rd night. Thanks Heather!!

Yummy Custard on our way to shop in the Dells!

Looking Marvelous!

I have no idea why Heather did not buy these for D!

Then we spent the rest of the night at Knuckleheads the kids had the whole place to themselves because normal people don't keep their kids out all hours of the night. And I was nice enough to let Heather escort the 2 smallest on the rides and I only saw her running to the bathroom one time to relieve her stomach. Aren't I nice?

We spent at least 6 hours at the local resell shop and happened to find M a matching shirt. The girls working the runway.

And found N the most "handsome fanciest white shirt" he was nice enough to model the tie before it about choked him to death.

There were cat naps to be had because us 3 laughed until way into the late night/early morning.

and last but not least a crocheting lesson for me that did not go so well.

I love Heather plus her 5!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Uncle Henry

Brett rocked the house starring as Uncle Henry in the 5th Grade Presentation of Wizard of Oz.
Not only did he have his lines memorized but most everyone elses too!
Watch for him on the Big Screen!